Thursday, October 29, 2009

we were alone, and i was singing my song for you.

today i took the day off from school. momma thought it was agood idea since that whole possibility of me having swine was floating around. and yesterday i left school early cause i felt so shitty. but im all good now. im going to top forty tonight to see my friends. theyre all gonna be good good good :)

im bored. i havent seen friends since yesterday morning. i'm dying.


yeah, so less than a month until my birthday and my par-tay.

Monday, October 26, 2009


i hate mondays.
i will say it again.
i hate mondays.

However, today was pretty decent. ya know.
one month and one day and i will equal 18 years of age.

right now, i am at alexis's house, of course, so that's good atleast.

wedding play is up in the air, may or may not happen.
First grease rehearsal was last night. fantastic. so excited.

boys.silly things. dont know what to think of them.
old boys, new boys. boys are silly.

Friday, October 23, 2009

what a shitty day

seriously. found out i have two cs, sat in the gym for two hours waiting to get blood taken then i couldnt, and other shit. shit shit shit shit shit.

now im at alexis's, so that's good.
i might go to mcrays tonight.
if not, im going to paranormal with my friends.

i dont really want to write. im in a bad mood, haha.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

here comes the sun, do do do do

life has been absolutely fantastic lately.
school's good, im losing weight (which is very good), acting's good, people are good.
good good good.

today i'm at alexis's, i have a run through of my cast of wedding play tonight. sweet.
this week's overall, been pretty decent. good actually.
everything's goood, clearly.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

mcrays tonight!

this week has been very, very, good.
ghost whisperer is confusing the poop out of me.

i really have nothing to write about.
football game was nice.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

you say we're both little people and you like it that way

so, i'm at alexis's, of course.
leaving for grams soon. i'll probably end up watching jonas at her house while i wait to go out to dinner. i'm so lame.

so, it's been decided that i want to have a big party for my birthday. the big one eight. woaaah. i want like a formal with all my friends. i have a list already. haha.

last night was teapot, and they were considering closing it since no one's been, so i brought like a crapload of people. it was nice to see everyone and i havent really sang in so long. it was really nice. i sang with amanda, which i love because we blend so well and we have so much fun together. it was a pretty good night all around, plus a whole lot of my friends came.

we're doing an encore of the wedding play on november 1st. :) wohoo!

i overate cheese its. im so full.


Monday, October 12, 2009

grease is the word.

and by that, i mean, grease is our next musical!
we can't get the rights for chicago until sometime in 2010, how early or late wasnt specified, so we're going to do grease first! and i'm jan :) split casted with mary. it's going to be fantastic show. i know it. we're all so excited.

last night was the cast party, fun fun.

i was an idiot and texted someone last night that i hadn't talked to in a long time, it was so awkward. im worried about choices people make. idk.

so amazing.

i'm very happy :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

tonight's gonna be a good good night.

tomorrow's the play! whoooot!
today was pretty okay. chorus makes me crazy though, i seriously would quit if i could. the people in that class drive me insane. i joined it because i love to sing and i love music, because i want to deal with controlling condescending bitches. seriously. some people should really look in the mirror and notice how they're treating their peers. pisses me off.
i'm at alexis's. of course haha.
i think i might be into a boy! i mean, interested. i don't know him enough to like him or anything. but he's cute, and he interests me. so we'll see. this could be good for me. whatever!
someone texted me last night that i chose not to respond to. leave me alone. yeaup.
well, tonight's dress rehearsal! wohoo tomorrow!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

what a good day.

This week is going to be about 230422 times better than last week, i can already tell. Today, for example, was absolutely fantastic.
Tonight, i'm sleeping over alexis's, we're going to look pretty tomorrow. whooo.
Boy i hate and i are getting along. good.
the play's this weekend! ! ! we're building a theatre at the studio, really cool.

i'm too tired to keep this one going. goodnight!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

the only free saturday i've had in the past year probably

we got acting off today. and i thought i would be relieved to have a day off. well i mean a morning off. but it's weird not going to the studio, lol.

today we're going to the big e i think. tara, alexis, and i vote mcgray's farm instead. scary. but it would be so so fun. i wanna go.

i don't have much to write about. we're watching house. later we're making tshirts. then maybe mcgrays farm. or big e. i dont know.

i want my hair to grow faster.

yeah, this was completely pointless.

Friday, October 2, 2009

what a shitty week.

really. this week was definitely an all time low. seriously.
let's start with tuesday. top forty auditions. i would completely blank on the lyrics my senior year at auditions. i mean i made it through the first three years, then for some reason the last one, i blew it. cool cait.
wedesday. i was still all shitty from tuesday. i was being wicked dumb but i knew i wasnt going to get in and i felt really shitty. then i went to the big e for agawam day. and it was so freaking fun. so fun. at first. then of course. something came into the equation that got to me. really got to me. it was bad. then i got sick. then i felt better. then i felt sick again. so. it was actually a better agawam day than ive had for a while, but those little things sucked bad.
then yesterday i found out i did not make top forty. so. even if i saw it coming. it really sucked. i mean. there were A LOT of talented people at auditions, but i guess i thought she'd aleast give me some benefit of the doubt since she knows me so well and knows my voice and that i'd work really hard. whatever though.
today was crappy too. it'll be okay now though.

weekend. :)
now, i'm at alexis's watching private practice, we have rehearsal later.
i'm going to the big e tomorrow :))
today's blog was a major debbie downer day, but atleast it's out of my system.

i don't know what else to write about. college stuff is scaring me. i don't even know what to do. i have no chance anywhere besides hcc probably. even if i had the grades. i dont have the money.

hmm. i don't have a lovelife to write about. it's probably better like that.

i decided to become a vegetarian. so far so good.

show next weekend, be there or be square.